Catholic Life at St Nicholas
Our School Ethos
To achieve excellence in all that we do.
At St Nicholas Catholic Primary School our expectations are limitless! Our children come from diverse backgrounds and some face many challenges day-to-day. We want to show our children that the world is a wonderful place and that through hard-work, desire and quality education, their life opportunities are endless. We want our children to have high aspirations, be deeply inspired by new knowledge and skills and develop their own unique talents and gifts to achieve success in their lives.
Our Catholic values and school motto ‘Love one another’, helps the children to develop their social and moral ethos as they build their sense of uniqueness and self-worth as an individual.
We offer a broad and meaningful curriculum rich in experiences that are creative and fun. Our topics aim to engage yet challenge children with the fundamental aim of creating confident, curious, independent young people, equipped with the tools for life-long learning.
This half term's virtues are: Honesty and Service |