Homework Hall of Fame
At the beginning of each half-term, children across school will take home their half-termly homework leaflet. Each week, homework is set online for Spelling practise & Mathematics revision. Children are also asked to continue enjoying their take home reading books, as well as accessing ongoing platforms such as TT Rockstars and Spag.Com where possible. These homework leaflets can also be found on class pages.
The homework leaflet also includes a project focus. This project focus lasts for the entire half-term, and provides children with an opportunity to get stuck into a project that follows on from previous learning they have completed within school. The focus changes each half-term to explore a range of topics! These projects can be brought into school once complete. We reallt encourage children to be as creative as they can, and to follow their own lines ofn enquiry that may not be one of the suggested learning tasks!
Below, is our homework hall of fame; a place to celebrte all of the fantastic project focuses that are brought in across the year.