The Impact of the Sports Premium |
Primary School PE and Sport Funding
The government is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013 to 2020 to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - will be allocated to primary school headteachers.
This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.
Funding for schools will be calculated by reference to the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11), as recorded in the annual schools census in January 2013.
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:
1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school.
2. The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement.
3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
5. Increased participation in competitive sport.
From September 2013, schools will be held to account over how they spend their additional, ring-fenced funding. Ofsted will strengthen the coverage of PE and sport within the 'Inspectors’ handbook' and supporting guidance so that both schools and inspectors know how sport and PE will be assessed in future as part of the school’s overall provision.
One year on, Ofsted will carry out a survey reporting on the first year’s expenditure of additional funding and its impact.
Schools will also be required to include details of their provision of PE and sport on their website, alongside details of their broader curriculum, so that parents can compare sports provision between schools, both within and beyond the school day
At St Nicholas Catholic Primary school we have identified several areas which we aim to improve and enhance through the use of Sport Premium funding, in order to raise participation and achievement for all pupils in PE, sport and physical activity.
2023 - 2024 Identified Priorities
➢ To embed the spiral curriculum to monitor the impact of the long-term plan.
➢ To ensure all the PE curriculum is covered through adapting the indoor and outdoor PE long-term plan.
➢ To ensure that children are reviewing skills by modeling and explaining the correct technique for skills.
➢ Focus on the core muscles and abilities of the children in EYFS by introducing 15 minutes core strengthening activities.
➢ To ensure all staff are confident and teaching well-structured lessons within every aspect of the PE curriculum.
➢ To make links within the community to give parents the opportunities to know what opportunities are out there for their children.
➢ More coaching lessons to be had with members of staff to ensure the 4 step lessons are happening.
➢ Monitoring of the skills progression within year groups.
➢ To increase children’s well-being through mindfulness and being physically active in lessons other than PE.
➢ To share knowledge with the children and parents about healthy eating and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
➢ To re-introduce active learning to make sure staff are aware that children have to be physically active for 60 minutes a day, which includes being active for 30 minutes during school.
2022 - 2023 Identified Priorities
➢ To embed the spiral curriculum to monitor the impact of the long-term plan.
➢ To ensure that children are reviewing skills before enhancing them.
➢ Focus on the core muscles and abilities of the children in KS1 and with SEND to enable them to be more competent and involved in PE lessons.
➢ To ensure all staff are confident and teaching well-structured lessons within every aspect of the PE curriculum.
➢ To give opportunities for the greater depth children.
➢ To make links within the community to give parents the opportunities to know what opportunities are out there for their children.
➢ More coaching lessons to be had with members of staff to ensure the 4 step lessons are happening.
➢ Assessing meetings with the staff.
➢ Monitoring of the skills progression within year groups.
➢ To increase children’s well-being through mindfulness, active sessions.
➢ To introduce active learning to make sure children are all participating in being active for 30 minutes a day.
2021 - 2022 Identified Priorities
➢ Resume participation in out of school competitions with a wider range of sports.
➢ To engage more children in taster sessions and workshops.
➢ To increase the number of children taking part in the competitions. To ensure most children take part in a competition by the time they leave year 6.
➢ To ensure all teachers are confident in delivering high standard gymnastics and dance lessons.
➢ To ensure children are confident in moving equipment safely.
➢ To ensure all staff baseline their class (using the assessment cog for that half term) and assess them half termly.
➢ To increase children’s well-being through mindfulness, active sessions
➢ To introduce active learning to make sure children are all participating in being active for 30 minutes a day.
➢ To introduce Mini Sports leaders to enhance the pupil voice and leadership within school.
2020 - 2021 Identified Priorities
Ø Continue to participate in out of school competitions with a wider range of sports. Ø To have more children involved in taster sessions and workshops. Ø To increase the number of children taking part in the competitions. To ensure most children take part in a competition by the time they leave year 6. Ø To ensure all teachers are confident in delivering high standard gymnastics lessons. Ø To ensure children are confident in moving equipment safely. Ø To ensure all staff baseline their class (using the assessment cog for that half term) and assess them half termly. Ø To have more individual fitness sessions (in line with the current pandemic) Ø To introduce active breaks to make sure children are all participating in being active for 30 minutes a day. |
2019 - 2020 Impact
The impact of this years funding goes up to March 2020 due to the pandemic.
These key achievements are what St Nicholas Catholic Primary School have achieved up until March 2020 due to the current pandemic.
This year we focused on Key Stage One will being more involved in competitions through intra competition, we based this on multi-skills.
Year 4 and year 2 competed in a Dodgeball competition for the first time this year widening their sporting knowledge.
The year 5/6 football team have played more matches this year and really worked hard on sportsmanship and working as a team, win or lose.
The year 2 children went on a gymnastics workshop that was based in their community, this really interested the boys as they got to met the gymnast Nile Wilson which engaged the boys to recognise gymnastics is not just for girls.
The KS2 children competed in a Cross-Country Competition.
Getting more children active at lunch times has been a real success this year.
The Irish Dancing Club has been a very popular club, as it was introduced this year we are hoping to continue this into the future.
2019 - 2020 Identified Priorities
Ø Continue to participate in out of school competitions e.g. athletics, netball, tennis, skipping. Ø To increase the number of children taking part in the competitions. To implement a system to ensure most children take part in a competition by the time they leave year 6. Ø To ensure all staff and NQTs are confident in following the Real PE scheme for indoor PE and teaching high standard lessons. Ø To ensure all staff are confident in assessing children in PE using the cogs from the Real PE scheme. Ø To increase the promotion of health and fitness by completing the active mile. |
2018 - 2019 Impact
We have taken part in a great many sporting activities in 16-18 and we are proud to have built on the sporting successes of previous years.
In 2017 – 2018 we took part in the following tournaments:
Sportshall Athletics
Netball: High five local heat finalist
Bishop Roche local heat finalists
Football: U11 local area champions; entered ESFA 7s; Catenian Cup, U9/10/11 city wide cups and leagues
Cross Country: U9 girls city; entered U9/10/11 boys and girls tournaments
Skipping: Y2 and Y4 competitions
Triathlon: entered the Brownlee Triathlon day at John Charles
Rugby: local tag rugby tournament: East Leeds
2018 - 2019 Identified Priorities
Ø Continue to participate in out of school competitions e.g. athletics, netball, tennis, skipping. Ø To increase the number of children taking part in the competitions. To implement a system to ensure most children take part in a competition by the time they leave year 6. Ø To ensure new staff and NQTs are confident in following the Val Sabin scheme. Ø To increase the promotion of health and fitness by introducing the active mile. Ø To look into the strengths and weakness of the teaching staff. Ø To introduce a new assessment tool. |
Sports Premium Funding Reports |