British Values
Promoting British Values at St Nicholas Catholic Primary School
Under section 78 of the Education Act (2002) St Nicholas Catholic Primary School is required to promote the spiritual, moral, mental and physical development of pupils and to promote fundamental British values as part of our school curriculum.
At St Nicholas Catholic Primary School we recognise that we are part of a multi-cultural, multi-faith and ever-changing society in the United Kingdom and are dedicated to serving our community. Our Governing Body and Staff understand the vital role we have in ensuring that individuals or groups within our school are not exposed to intimidation or radicalization by anyone wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them. By following the equal opportunities guidance we ensure that there will be no discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, financial or political status, or similar.
At St Nicholas Catholic Primary School we are committed to preparing pupils for their future lives beyond the formal, examined curriculum and ensuring that we promote and reinforce British values to all of our pupils.
British Values form part of our school way of life; they are taught in a variety ways across several curriculum areas as well as through collective worship.
We aim for our children to:
St Nicholas Catholic Primary School is not required to promote or teach any particular belief, view or way of life that contradicts our outlook or ethos; however, we will not promote discrimination, or accept intolerance against people or groups, on the basis of their belief, opinion or background.
The Rule of Law at St Nicholas:
Gospel Virtues: Honesty
Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs
Gospel Virtues: Loving, Courtesy, Thankfulness, Faith, Simplicity
The British Values
We provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities and strong pastoral support. We incorporate democratic principles, value the rule of law, support individual liberty and foster a community in which different faiths and beliefs are respected.
Democracy: We have a school council who are voted by peers and we invite speakers into school. We encourage debate and the idea of fairness and justice in our dealings with all within our community.
Rule of Law: We create our class rules, have a clear behaviour policy, organise visits from the police service, focus on the ten commandments and talk about the Rule of English Law; a legal system created uniquely in a Catholic England, inspired by Christian values.
Individual Liberty: We encourage students to be independent in their learning and provide students with opportunities for reflection as they take responsibility to discerning their vocation. Children have the opportunity to take on roles within school.
Mutual respect: We have a mission statement, promote good manners and respect for others, reinforce everyone's opinions in class debates, focus on Anti-Bullying whilst emphasising that everyone is unique but equal in the eyes of God and support charitable works.
Tolerance: We celebrate the range of other faiths and customs within our school as part of our 'International Week' where we bring together foods around the world, dance, music, song and poetry. We also use Jesus' example in the such stories as 'The Good Samaritan' and 'The Women at the Well'.
Individual Liberty at St Nicholas:
Gospel Virtues: Thankfulness, Faith, Kindness
Democracy at St Nicholas:
Gospel Virtues: Service
Relevant Documents
Promoting Fundamental British Values as part of SMSC in Schools - DfE