St. Nicholas Parish Church
St. Nicholas Parish Church is situated within the school grounds. Our Parish nourishes strong devotion to Our Lady, and we ask for her mediation particularly under the title of Our Lady of Good Counsel. We imitate her and follow her lead so as to draw closer to her Son. Click to see more about: |
Our Parish patron Saint, Bl. Edmund Sykes, was a Yorkshire Martyr who died for the Catholic Faith. The whole Parish prays for his intercession and looks to his holy example.
We also pray for the intercession of St. Nicholas, the patron Saint of children. The dedication of St. Nicholas’ Church also reflects Bl. Nicholas Postgate, the last of the York Martyrs, who was arrested while he was baptising a child. For this reason, both Saints Nicholas are loved by the children and young families of the Parish.
To find out dates and times of services and events that are happening in church this week, please click on the link below and view the bulletin.
The bulletin will be updated every Week to keep you informed of what will be taking place each week.
You can also visit the parish website by clicking on the following link.