Collective Worship


At St Nicholas', shared and collective worship is integral to our daily school life. Children have the opportunity to gather, listen and respond to readings from the Holy Bible and engage with their deeper meanings. It is a time for children to reflect on our "statements to live by", that encourage us, as a school body, to work towards a specific mission each week. 

Our worships take place: 

  • As a whole school on Mondays.
  • As a key stage on Tuesday (KS2) and Wednesday (KS1).
  • As individual classes three times a week.

Our whole school worships reflect on the Church's weekly gospel, focusing on Jesus' teachings and key events in the Church's calendar. Our key stage worships follow our whole school teaching, cross curricular teachings of the core virtues and give children the opportunity to reflect on how these virtues can be put into practice, in our school, our homes and on a global scale.

Throughout school, children are supported and encouraged to take active roles in their own worships. In Upper Key Stage Two, children have the opportunity to plan, deliver and evaluate worships of their own. In addition, children may visit other classes through school to deliver child led worships, these may be lead by specific year groups or the chaplaincy team. This gives younger children the opportunity to partake in smaller roles within the worship and ensures they fully understand the delivery for their transition into greater responsibility.

From EYFS to Year 6, our classess follow a rotating schedule to attend class masses on Monday, joining the priest and the parish community, this is along side frequent visits to mass as a whole school.


During our last Section 48: RE inspection, our Collective Worship was graded Outstanding. See the report here.

Virtues to Live By

The virtues to live by follow a two year cycle. We are currently on Route A. Our key stage worships are focused around each half term's virtue, listening to key gospel readings or Bibical scripture, which help us to live the virtue in action in our lives. In our Friday Praise assembly, a child from each class is recgonised for their efforts to show this virtue through their actions.


Holy Days of Obligation Calendar


Collective Worship at St Nicholas

Policies and Documents

Collective Worship Child Planner.pdf .pdf
Collective Worship Planner.pdf .pdf
Collective Worship Policy 23-24.pdf .pdf
Collective Worship Guide Child Lead.pdf .pdf
St Nicholas Guide to Worship.pdf .pdf
Liturgical Documents.pdf .pdf