
Welcome to our class blog!

This year is packed with exciting and challenging opportunities where we strive to develop the children’s independence and hand over greater responsibility.

On this page, you can take a look at all of the fantastic things we have been up to throughout the year. Below, you will also find copies of children's termly topic leaflets, spelling lists and important letters as well as links to key learning resources for the children to use outside of school.

  • PE is timetabled for Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Full PE kit is expected to be worn during PE sessions. These should be brought in at the beginning of term and left in lockers. For details on the required PE kit, please see the PE page.
  • Children MUST bring pumps into school to wear indoors. Please clearly label the pumps with your child’s name.
  • Please ensure that all uniform, coats, pumps and PE kits are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
  • It is very important that the children read regularly. Once the children have read their book, they must bring it back to school so that it can be changed. 
  • Ensure all children bring in a water bottle. It is really important that the children stay hydrated throughout the day.

Summer Term Topic Leaflet and Homework Leaflet

Spring Term Topic Leaflet and Homework Leaflet

Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings

  Year 6 SATs Information   

This year, SATs week commences on Monday 13th May 2024. The National timetable is as follows:

Our Learning Journey

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Year 5/6 - image 1
Year 5/6 - image 2
Year 5/6 - image 3
Year 5/6 - image 4
Year 5/6 - image 5
Year 5/6 - image 6
Year 5/6 - image 7
Year 5/6 - image 8
Year 5/6 - image 9
Year 5/6 - image 10
Year 5/6 - image 11
Year 5/6 - image 12
Year 5/6 - image 13
Year 5/6 - image 14

Year 5 Nell Bank Residential 2024

Year 5 had a fantastic time at Nell Bank in February where they put their resilience and teamworking skills to the test to overcome challenges! The children were amazing from start to finish and attempted every activity with enthusiasm and a smile on their face. The activities gave the children the opportunity to build up their communication skills, confidence and love of the outdoors. The snow didn't stop us as we explored Ilkley even managed to make some snowmen! Have a look below to see all the fun things we got up to whilst we were away!

Nell Bank 2024 - image 0
Nell Bank 2024 - image 1
Nell Bank 2024 - image 2
Nell Bank 2024 - image 3
Nell Bank 2024 - image 4
Nell Bank 2024 - image 5
Nell Bank 2024 - image 6
Nell Bank 2024 - image 7
Nell Bank 2024 - image 8
Nell Bank 2024 - image 9
Nell Bank 2024 - image 10
Nell Bank 2024 - image 11
Nell Bank 2024 - image 12
Nell Bank 2024 - image 13
Nell Bank 2024 - image 14
Nell Bank 2024 - image 15

Our Guided Reading book is:


Don't forget to access our online applications. All children have recieved their passwords. Please ask if you need them again. 

Click on the pictures to go to the relevant website.

Click - Free arrows icons

Oxford Owl - Home Learning School