
Year 5

Miss Newland

Welcome to our class blog!

Year 5 marks the move from lower to upper Key Stage 2. This year is an exciting but challenging time as the children seek opportunities for more independence and responsibility. On this page, you will find everything you need to support your child on their learning journey. You will also be able to keep up to date with all the fantastic experiences and hard work your children are a part of.


• Year 5 will start their school day at 8.40am and finish at 3.30pm.
• PE is on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please make sure children bring in their full and correct PE kit. 
• Children MUST bring pumps into school to wear indoors. Please clearly label the pumps with your child’s name. 
• Please ensure that all uniform, coats, pumps and PE kits are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
• It is very important that the children be listened to read regularly. Once the children have read their book, they must bring it back to school so that it can be changed. 
• Ensure all children bring in a water bottle. It is really important that the children stay hydrated throughout the day.

• Individual login cards can be requested from the school office or class teachers.

Topic Leaflet


Autumn 2 Homework Leaflet

No data
Year 5 Learning Journey
Y5 2024-25 - image 0
Y5 2024-25 - image 1

The spellings for the term will be put on here so you can access them at home. We learn are introduced to our new spellings on Monday and we review them on Friday. Please help your children practice their spellings for the week at home! 

Autumn 1 Spring 1 Summer 1
Autumn 2 Spring 2 Summer 2

These are Year 5's Statutory Spellings to learn throughout the year. You can help at home by testing them frequently on these spellings!

Autumn 2 Spelling Overview
