

Year 2

Miss Chatt

Welcome to our class blog!

On this page, you will find resources to help support your children's learning, as well as photographs to showtheir journey throughout this year.

In this class, we aim to make learning fun and interactive to get the best out of each child.


Topic Leaflets

Each term the children will be sent home with a topic leaflet explaining what they will be taught each term.

 Please click on the relevant term below to view our topic leaflets.






(Link opens in Summer 2025)



Year 2 will recieve a library book and spellings every Tuesday. The library books are to be shared as a family or can be used as a bed time story. The spellings are to practice at home and can stay at home, the starred spellings are the ones we review in school each week. Please make sure you return the library book to ensure you get a new one each week.

Please access the Mathletics website to complete the weekly Maths homework, this links to what the children hav been learning at school. Please access Spelling Shed each week to practice the weekly spellings through a variety of games.


Homework Leaflets

Homework leaflets are sent home at the beginning of each term, outlining the homework expectations.

Autumn 1 Spring 1 Summer 1 (link opens in April)
Autumn 2  Spring 2 (link opens in February) Summer 2 (link opens in June)


Autumn Homework

This term, the homework focus is Humanities.

Last half-term, the children learnt about Schools in the Past.

The children will use their prior knowledge to help them complete the homework tasks.

Please refer to the homework lealfet for the different activities your child can do at home.

Victorian Schools (Life in the Past)

Spring Homework

This term, the homework focus is STEM.

In Autumn, the children learnt about Everyday Materials.

The children will use their prior knowledge to help them complete the homework tasks.

Please refer to the homework leaflet for the different activities your child can do at home.

Everyday Materials Year 1 Planning and Resources | Teaching Resources

Summer Homework

This term, the homework focus is Art and DT.

In Spring, the children learnt about Preparing Fruit and Vegetables. 

The children will use their prior knowledge to help them complete the homework tasks.

Please refer to the homework leaflet for the different activities your child can do at home.

Don't forget to access our online applications, all children have recieved their passwords.

Please ask the school office if you need the passwords again.

Reading Books

The children will bring home two different types of books.

Two Read Write Inc phonics books inside a purple reading record, this needs to be brought to school every day and will be changed in line with the phonics scheme. Please sign the purple reading record and write a small comment once your child has read.

The other is a library book, this will be sent home on a Tuesday and needs to be brought back every Monday along with the homework.

These books are to share as a family, make it a fun reading experience for your children!



Autumn 1

Autumn 2 

Spring 1

Spring 2 (link opens in February)

Summer 1 (link opens in April)

Summer 2 (link opens in June)



Year 2 Parent's Meeting PowerPoint (link to follow meeting)












  • PE is timetabled for Monday and Wednesday afternoons. For details on the required PE kit, please see the PE page.
  • Children MUST bring pumps into school to wear indoors. Please clearly label the pumps with your child's name.
  • Please ensure that all uniform, coats, pumps and PE kits are clearly labelled with your child's name.
  • Each child is given a homework folder every Tuesday, these must be returned the following Monday. Please see the homework leaflet above for more information.
  • Each child recieves two Read, Write Inc books. Please check the reading record to see what book your child has recieved and when it must be returned to be changed. The reading record and books must be brought into school every day.
  • Ensure all children bring in a water bottle. It is really important that the children stay hydrated throughout the day.


Year 2

Miss Chatt

Welcome to our class blog!

On this page, you will find resources to help support your children's learning, as well as photographs to showtheir journey throughout this year.

In this class, we aim to make learning fun and interactive to get the best out of each child.


Topic Leaflets

Each term the children will be sent home with a topic leaflet explaining what they will be taught each term.

 Please click on the relevant term below to view our topic leaflets.






(Link opens in Summer 2025)



Year 2 will recieve a library book and spellings every Tuesday. The library books are to be shared as a family or can be used as a bed time story. The spellings are to practice at home and can stay at home, the starred spellings are the ones we review in school each week. Please make sure you return the library book to ensure you get a new one each week.

Please access the Mathletics website to complete the weekly Maths homework, this links to what the children hav been learning at school. Please access Spelling Shed each week to practice the weekly spellings through a variety of games.


Homework Leaflets

Homework leaflets are sent home at the beginning of each term, outlining the homework expectations.

Autumn 1 Spring 1 Summer 1 (link opens in April)
Autumn 2  Spring 2 (link opens in February) Summer 2 (link opens in June)


Autumn Homework

This term, the homework focus is Humanities.

Last half-term, the children learnt about Schools in the Past.

The children will use their prior knowledge to help them complete the homework tasks.

Please refer to the homework lealfet for the different activities your child can do at home.

Victorian Schools (Life in the Past)

Spring Homework

This term, the homework focus is STEM.

In Autumn, the children learnt about Everyday Materials.

The children will use their prior knowledge to help them complete the homework tasks.

Please refer to the homework leaflet for the different activities your child can do at home.

Everyday Materials Year 1 Planning and Resources | Teaching Resources

Summer Homework

This term, the homework focus is Art and DT.

In Spring, the children learnt about Preparing Fruit and Vegetables. 

The children will use their prior knowledge to help them complete the homework tasks.

Please refer to the homework leaflet for the different activities your child can do at home.

Don't forget to access our online applications, all children have recieved their passwords.

Please ask the school office if you need the passwords again.

Reading Books

The children will bring home two different types of books.

Two Read Write Inc phonics books inside a purple reading record, this needs to be brought to school every day and will be changed in line with the phonics scheme. Please sign the purple reading record and write a small comment once your child has read.

The other is a library book, this will be sent home on a Tuesday and needs to be brought back every Monday along with the homework.

These books are to share as a family, make it a fun reading experience for your children!



Autumn 1

Autumn 2 

Spring 1

Spring 2 (link opens in February)

Summer 1 (link opens in April)

Summer 2 (link opens in June)



Year 2 Parent's Meeting PowerPoint (link to follow meeting)












  • PE is timetabled for Monday and Wednesday afternoons. For details on the required PE kit, please see the PE page.
  • Children MUST bring pumps into school to wear indoors. Please clearly label the pumps with your child's name.
  • Please ensure that all uniform, coats, pumps and PE kits are clearly labelled with your child's name.
  • Each child is given a homework folder every Tuesday, these must be returned the following Monday. Please see the homework leaflet above for more information.
  • Each child recieves two Read, Write Inc books. Please check the reading record to see what book your child has recieved and when it must be returned to be changed. The reading record and books must be brought into school every day.
  • Ensure all children bring in a water bottle. It is really important that the children stay hydrated throughout the day.