Welcome to Year 4!
Miss Wellings
Welcome to the Year 4 Class Page!
Year 4 is an exciting year at St Nicholas, which encourages the children to develop independence and confidence within their final year of Lower Key Stage Two. This year is packed with lots of fun and exciting opportunities for the children!
Here you can take a look at all the exciting things we have been doing throughout the year. Below, you will also find copies of children's termly topic leaflets, homework and spelling lists as well as links to key learning resources for the children to use outside of school.
Guided Reading
This term we are reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo for our Guided Reading lessons.
Snow Days offer a wonderful opportunity for the children to get outside and be physically active whilst exploring this beautiful and interesting weather phenomenon in all sorts of ways; as scientists, as artists, as geographers ...and as children.
As teachers, we have made the decision to embrace this as a wonderful opportunity for home learning when the children cannot safely come into school. Please find below, all sorts of ideas for learning activities that the children can do which are linked to the snow.
We have decided not to organise these under age-related headings. All of the activities are good fun and most are 'open-ended' enough that the children can explore them at the level which suits them.
Other Snow Day Activities:
The children now have homework packs. These will be sent home on a Tuesday and need to be handed in the following Monday.
Spellings will be taught on a Monday and tested on a Friday.
Year 4 2022-2023
Autumn Term in Year 4
Year 4 have had a busy Autumn term filled with lots of fun and exciting activities! Take a look below to see what we have been up to.
Ancient Egypt
Our main theme this term is Ancient Egypt. We will be learning all about the lives of Ancient Egyptians, their religion and Gods and the significance of pyramids. Within English, we will be writing a non-chronological report on Ancient Egypt. As part of our experience lesson to begin this topic, we researched Ancient Egyptian Gods and pharaoh death masks. We then made out own Egyptian masks.
This allowed us to explore the different Egyptian Gods and what they look like. We had a great time and learnt lots of information to support us throughout our upcoming topic.