
Welcome to Year 6

Miss McAndrew

Things to remember:  Our PE days are currently Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Homework is set on a Friday and due the following Wednesday. All children need to have pumps with them in school.

 Welcome to our class blog! 

Year 6 marks the children’s final year at St Nicholas’ and is when we prepare for their transition to high school. This year is packed with exciting and challenging opportunities where we strive to develop the children’s independence and hand over greater responsibility.


On this page, you can take a look at all of the fantastic things we have been up to throughout the year. Below, you will also find copies of children's termly topic leaflets, spelling lists and important letters as well as links to key learning resources for the children to use outside of school.


                           Pupil Voice                           

The children pictured above are part of our various pupil voice groups that take place around school. They are either: Eco-warriors, E-Team members, Librarians, School Councilors, Mini Vinnies or Sports Leaders.

            This terms knowledge organisers:            











PE Computing





    Spring Dodgeball Champions!    

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End of Key Stage Two statutory assessments (SATs)

Parents' Guide 2022



                We are currently reading:               

Click the book to open the online copy, you might want to re-read your favourite chapter!


We have had a very busy Autumn in Year 6! We began the term with a visit from Phil Bateman, the Olympic cyclist, who taught us how to control and maintain our own bikes. We had a weekly gymnastic coach who taught our indoor PE session and enjoyed National Fitness day! 

In Science this term, we were studying healthy bodies and got very messy during our digestion experiment, in which we replicated food moving through the body and enjoyed working together to create a replica of the human skeleton! 

We developed our "keeping safe online" skills during E-Safety Day and had a visit form our local PCSO's who taught us all about knife crime and how to make positive behaviour choices as we grow older. 

In November, we worked with Year 2 to help organise the Harvest donations that we distributed locally in our community, we also were responsible for Poppy Selling on the playground, to raise money throughout Remembrance month for the British Legion.

At the end of the Autumn term, we spent the day with our classes, reflecting on Mental Health Awareness with a "choice day" and even took part in UK Parliament week, where we created our own Political Parties and manifestos before voting as a class for the party we found the most effective.

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    Year 6 Residential    

Weardale Adventure Centre, Bishop Auckland

Our Year 6 residential to Weardale Adventure Centre will take place in March. Below, you can access copies of letters, packing lists and the parents information meeting.

Weardale_Parents_Presentation.pptx .pptx
Packing_List.docx .docx
Lateral_flow_permission_letter.docx .docx
Weardale_Consent_form.pdf .pdf
REMINDER_letter.pdf .pdf

                                                                                    Learning Links                                                                                   



