
Year 3/4

Mrs Dowd

 Welcome to year 3/4 class page!

Year 3/4 is an exciting year at St Nicholas, which encourages the children to develop independence and confidence within Lower Key Stage Two. This year is packed with lots of fun and exciting opportunities for the children!

Come and take a look at all the exciting things we have been doing throughout the year. On this page, you will find copies of the termly topic leaflets, homework and spellings as well as links to key online learning resources. 


Year 3 Curriculum

Knowledge Organisers  Topic Leaflets  Spellings  Homework 

The Ancient Greeks 

The Mediterranean 

Year 3 Grammar 




Year 3 homework is set weekly using Google Classroom. Children are also encouraged to access, Matheltics, Readiwriter and TT Rockstars to support their learning.


Year 4 Curriculum 

Knowledge Organisers  Topic Leaflet Spellings  Homework 

The Ancient Greeks 

The Mediterranean 

Year 4 Grammar



Spring Spellings  Year 3 homework is set weekly using Google Classroom. Children are also encouraged to access, Matheltics, Readiwriter and TT Rockstars to support their learning.


Key Reminders 

PE is timetabled for Tuesday and Thursday  afternoon. Full PE kit is expected to be worn on this day. For details on the required PE kit, please see the PE page.  Children MUST bring pumps into school to wear indoors. Please clearly label the pumps with your child’s name. Please ensure that all uniform, coats, pumps and PE kits are clearly labelled with your child’s name. It is very important that the children be listened to read regularly. Once the children have read their book, they must bring it back to school so that it can be changed.  Ensure all children bring in a water bottle. It is really important that the children stay hydrated throughout the day.


How can you help your child?

 There are many different ways in which you can support your child's learning at home these include, 

  • Reading with your child (mix this up with them reading to you and you reading to them.) 
  • Access TTRockstars 
  • Always check on Google Classrooms for homework- this will include MyMaths homework, Reading Eggs and Readiwritter- ensuring to practice spellings on a daily basis. 
  • Homework should always be completed and to a high standard- please check Google Classrooms for due dates. 
  • Best thing though is to come in school on time and eager and excited to learn.


Year 4 Times Table Check 

This year, the Year 4 children will have a times table check in the Summer term. Therefore, we encourage the children to practise their times tables daily at home. Please use the websites provided above to support them with this. 

Practice Sheets- These are really useful for year 3 to also be having a go at too!













Autumn curriculum in Year 3/4 

Autumn has been a very busy term for Year 3/4. Take a look below to see the fun actitivites we have been up! 


This half term, we have worked hard on understanding place value of numbers up to 10,000! We used the resources, including place value counters, to support us in our learning. We then move on to addition and subtraction. We worked so hard with this unit. Take a look in our photo gallery to see us in action!



 During the Autumn term we led our learning on COP26. We were all curious about the conference and wanted to learn more about climate change and its impact. We produced some great persuasive letters addressed to our World Leaders about our concerns of climate change. We even offered up some thoughtful ideas to reduce carbon emissions. A job well done on such a current issue.   



We celebrated Diwali in Year 3/4 and looked closely at how Hindu's mark this feast. We presented our learning in creative ways through drama, artwork and presentations. We really enjoyed working collaboratively and showing what we had learnt to our classmates.


Traffic calming: Speed awareness 

 The PCSO's came into school and taught us about the importance of road safety. They tallked to us about the speed limit of vehicles on the road outside our school. We went outside and monitored the speed of the traffic. It was alot of fun and taught us alot!



 In December our class led the Christingle celebration in church. It was a wonderful reminder about the true meaning of Christmas. The children made their own Christingles and learnt about the symbolism behind them. Our parents joined us for the celebration.  





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Spring curriculum in Year 3/4 

The Spring term has been very busy so far! Have a look at some of the great things we have been up to.

 Guided Reading

We enjoy our daily guided reading sessions because it is a great opportunity for us all to share in the same story and discuss our thoughts on the book. We are currently reading a fabulously funny book called Mr Penguin and the lost treasure. The characters have made us laugh a great deal, especially Boudica Bones darling! 

During these sessions we read aloud as a whole class, in small groups, in pairs and indiviudally. We have been working a lot on our fluency and intonation when reading. Everyone is making wonderful improvements!


National Story Telling Week

Reading is very important to all of us in Year 3/4. Not only is it an important life skill but we realise the importance of having a 'love for reading' too. We thoroughly enjoyed National Story Telling Week on Monday 31st January 2022. During the week we worked on extra fun reading activities, some of our parents came into school as 'secret readers' and read their favourite story to our class and on Friday 4th February 2022, we came to school in pur pyjamas and brought our favourite bedtime book! It was such good fun and really promoted our love for reading across school. 



Our Maths focus at the beginning of Spring term has been Multiplication and Division. We have learnt lots of new skills. We understand that multiplication is just repeated addition and that division is repeated subtraction. We have learnt efficient new ways of multiplying and dividing two digits by one digit in the form of column multiplication and the 'bus stop' division method. We have worked hard on our problem solving skills too. We even completed a multiplication problem using jelly babies! Delicious! 



We started the new year in English with poetry. We started our experience lesson by performing some different poems and exploring how to perform them depending on their purpose and composition. We particularly liked the Rat It Up! Rap and The Owl and The Pussy Cat poem by Edward Lear (by the end of the unit we could recite most of this poem!). Some of us even used musical instruments to add to our performances. It gave us a wonderful insight into the delights of poetry. We continued by writing diamante poems and learning the specific structure of this type of poem. 

We have since moved onto Ancient Greek myths linked to our history topic of the Ancient Greeks. We have been learning about the story of the Wooden Horse or known by many as The Trojan War where King Menelaus travels to Troy to win back his true love Helen. We enjoyed studying  Menelaus' complex character and we used our findings to  write a letter to Helen from Menelaus discussing his thoughts and feelings towards her and Paris. We are now moving on to writing an alternative ending to the myth. Watch this space to see how we get on...



Year 3/4

Mrs Dowd

 Welcome to year 3/4 class page!

Year 3/4 is an exciting year at St Nicholas, which encourages the children to develop independence and confidence within Lower Key Stage Two. This year is packed with lots of fun and exciting opportunities for the children!

Come and take a look at all the exciting things we have been doing throughout the year. On this page, you will find copies of the termly topic leaflets, homework and spellings as well as links to key online learning resources. 


Year 3 Curriculum

Knowledge Organisers  Topic Leaflets  Spellings  Homework 

The Ancient Greeks 

The Mediterranean 

Year 3 Grammar 




Year 3 homework is set weekly using Google Classroom. Children are also encouraged to access, Matheltics, Readiwriter and TT Rockstars to support their learning.


Year 4 Curriculum 

Knowledge Organisers  Topic Leaflet Spellings  Homework 

The Ancient Greeks 

The Mediterranean 

Year 4 Grammar



Spring Spellings  Year 3 homework is set weekly using Google Classroom. Children are also encouraged to access, Matheltics, Readiwriter and TT Rockstars to support their learning.


Key Reminders 

PE is timetabled for Tuesday and Thursday  afternoon. Full PE kit is expected to be worn on this day. For details on the required PE kit, please see the PE page.  Children MUST bring pumps into school to wear indoors. Please clearly label the pumps with your child’s name. Please ensure that all uniform, coats, pumps and PE kits are clearly labelled with your child’s name. It is very important that the children be listened to read regularly. Once the children have read their book, they must bring it back to school so that it can be changed.  Ensure all children bring in a water bottle. It is really important that the children stay hydrated throughout the day.


How can you help your child?

 There are many different ways in which you can support your child's learning at home these include, 

  • Reading with your child (mix this up with them reading to you and you reading to them.) 
  • Access TTRockstars 
  • Always check on Google Classrooms for homework- this will include MyMaths homework, Reading Eggs and Readiwritter- ensuring to practice spellings on a daily basis. 
  • Homework should always be completed and to a high standard- please check Google Classrooms for due dates. 
  • Best thing though is to come in school on time and eager and excited to learn.


Year 4 Times Table Check 

This year, the Year 4 children will have a times table check in the Summer term. Therefore, we encourage the children to practise their times tables daily at home. Please use the websites provided above to support them with this. 

Practice Sheets- These are really useful for year 3 to also be having a go at too!













Autumn curriculum in Year 3/4 

Autumn has been a very busy term for Year 3/4. Take a look below to see the fun actitivites we have been up! 


This half term, we have worked hard on understanding place value of numbers up to 10,000! We used the resources, including place value counters, to support us in our learning. We then move on to addition and subtraction. We worked so hard with this unit. Take a look in our photo gallery to see us in action!



 During the Autumn term we led our learning on COP26. We were all curious about the conference and wanted to learn more about climate change and its impact. We produced some great persuasive letters addressed to our World Leaders about our concerns of climate change. We even offered up some thoughtful ideas to reduce carbon emissions. A job well done on such a current issue.   



We celebrated Diwali in Year 3/4 and looked closely at how Hindu's mark this feast. We presented our learning in creative ways through drama, artwork and presentations. We really enjoyed working collaboratively and showing what we had learnt to our classmates.


Traffic calming: Speed awareness 

 The PCSO's came into school and taught us about the importance of road safety. They tallked to us about the speed limit of vehicles on the road outside our school. We went outside and monitored the speed of the traffic. It was alot of fun and taught us alot!



 In December our class led the Christingle celebration in church. It was a wonderful reminder about the true meaning of Christmas. The children made their own Christingles and learnt about the symbolism behind them. Our parents joined us for the celebration.  





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Spring curriculum in Year 3/4 

The Spring term has been very busy so far! Have a look at some of the great things we have been up to.

 Guided Reading

We enjoy our daily guided reading sessions because it is a great opportunity for us all to share in the same story and discuss our thoughts on the book. We are currently reading a fabulously funny book called Mr Penguin and the lost treasure. The characters have made us laugh a great deal, especially Boudica Bones darling! 

During these sessions we read aloud as a whole class, in small groups, in pairs and indiviudally. We have been working a lot on our fluency and intonation when reading. Everyone is making wonderful improvements!


National Story Telling Week

Reading is very important to all of us in Year 3/4. Not only is it an important life skill but we realise the importance of having a 'love for reading' too. We thoroughly enjoyed National Story Telling Week on Monday 31st January 2022. During the week we worked on extra fun reading activities, some of our parents came into school as 'secret readers' and read their favourite story to our class and on Friday 4th February 2022, we came to school in pur pyjamas and brought our favourite bedtime book! It was such good fun and really promoted our love for reading across school. 



Our Maths focus at the beginning of Spring term has been Multiplication and Division. We have learnt lots of new skills. We understand that multiplication is just repeated addition and that division is repeated subtraction. We have learnt efficient new ways of multiplying and dividing two digits by one digit in the form of column multiplication and the 'bus stop' division method. We have worked hard on our problem solving skills too. We even completed a multiplication problem using jelly babies! Delicious! 



We started the new year in English with poetry. We started our experience lesson by performing some different poems and exploring how to perform them depending on their purpose and composition. We particularly liked the Rat It Up! Rap and The Owl and The Pussy Cat poem by Edward Lear (by the end of the unit we could recite most of this poem!). Some of us even used musical instruments to add to our performances. It gave us a wonderful insight into the delights of poetry. We continued by writing diamante poems and learning the specific structure of this type of poem. 

We have since moved onto Ancient Greek myths linked to our history topic of the Ancient Greeks. We have been learning about the story of the Wooden Horse or known by many as The Trojan War where King Menelaus travels to Troy to win back his true love Helen. We enjoyed studying  Menelaus' complex character and we used our findings to  write a letter to Helen from Menelaus discussing his thoughts and feelings towards her and Paris. We are now moving on to writing an alternative ending to the myth. Watch this space to see how we get on...